lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

The best in my area

This time, the post is about someone I believe to be "the best in my area". I don't really know who could diserve such a title, a lot of names come to my mind and at the same time none of them can full up the standars. Beside, I've never been much of the "fan tipe", even less when we are talking about a discipline, a job that can have a real effect over people's life or the way we think about our world; I think that when we lift someone to a level that is above the heads of the real people that struggle throwgh their life and beside that try to make the world a little better, they stop putting their hart in what they are doing, and become too comfortable with their abilities, even if they are extraordinare.
Any way, I'm going to give a name, just so I don't mess up this post. But I what to be clear about the fact that I hardly think of whom I'm going to talk about as the GREATEST anthropologist, or anything like it, and that I have a lot of critics about his work, but besides them I think that José Bengoa, a chilean anthropologist, philosopher and history scholar, has done a good job showing what was behind the official speeches about our aborygen people and their relationship with our State, and has participated in proyects to try to give them back the rights, lands and freedom that was taken from them.

1 comentario:

  1. Constanza,
    This Mr Bengoa already rings a bell to me, you’re not the first student who mentions him. He must be good.
    Great post with some minor problems, mainly spelling:

    The best in my area
    This time, the post is about someone I believe to be "the best in my area". I don't really know who could dEserve such a title, a lot of names come to my mind and at the same time none of them can (full up. DO YOU MEAN ‘FULFILL’?) the standaDrs. Beside, I've never been much of the "fan tipe", even less when we are talking about a discipline, a job that can have a real effect over people's life or the way we think about our world; I think that when we lift someone to a level that is above the heads of the real people that struggle throUgh their liVES and beside that try to make the world a little better, they stop putting their hart in what they are doing, and become too comfortable with their abilities, even if they are extraordinare.
    Any way, I'm going to give a name, just so I don't mess up this post. But I wANt to be clear about the fact that I hardly think of whom I'm going to talk about as the GREATEST anthropologist, or anything like it, and that I have a lot of criticISM about his work, but besides them I think that José Bengoa, a Chilean anthropologist, philosopher and history scholar, has done a good job showing what was behind the official speeches about our aborygen people and their relationship with our State, and has participated in proJects to try to give them back the rights, lands and freedom that wERE taken from them.
