lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

Ok, so... I've said other times that I would like work directly with people, maybe in comunity development proyects, if its urban, rural or in an other country I don't care. I would like to understand first how is that they live and see the world, how they organize them selfs, and how is that organization can give them new posibilities of improving their way and the conditions of their life. I would like very much to see that I'm making a direct contribution to people's life with the tools and abilities that where given to me, but by passig them to others to be used, not by canching things and expecting that they follow what I say just because I went to college. I also know that this kinds of jobs are hard to get, I mean... who would really pay for that? Actually, there are some ONG's that provide this kind of opportunities, and I would love to be concidered. For this, I would have to specilize in social networks and associative anthropology, and also in economic and polithic anthropolgy, and to do a lot of research in this matter before I can think to sart interfering in real ways in people's life.

But if we are dreaming away, I would love to have a job thar allows me to travel a lot around Southamerica and the rest of the world, just for a cupple of years, before I start trying to make this world a little better. Maybe take some pictures for a magazine, or write some sories, or record some films of what I see ... yes, the classical dream job for an anthropologist, but hey... I've always been a fan of the classics.

1 comentario:

  1. Camila,
    That sounds pretty romantic, it reminds me of Indiana Jones... I can see you setting off on new adventures, being in big danger...
    Well, I’m just kidding and hoping your dream job comes true.
    Please have a look at the corrections/suggestions I’ve made and the notes below.

    My ideal job
    Ok, so... I've said other times that I would like work directly with people, maybe in comunity development proJects, AND if/WHETHER IT IS urban, rural or in an other country I don't care/MIND. I would like to understand first how (/) they live and see the world, how they organize themSELVES, and how is that organization can give them new posibilities of improving their way and the conditions of their life. I would like very much to see that I'm making a direct contribution to people's life with the tools and abilities that wERE given to me, but by passig them to others to be used, not by (canching:DO YOU MEAN EXCHANGING?) things and expecting that they follow what I say just because I went to college. I also know that THESE kinds of jobs are hard to get, I mean... who would really pay for that? Actually, there are some ONG's that provide this kind of opportunities, and I would love to be conSidered. For this, I would have to specilize in social networks and associative anthropology, and also in economic and politic anthropolgy, and to do a lot of research in this matter before I can think to sart interfering in real ways in people's life.

    But if we are dreaming away, I would love to have a job thaT allows me to travel a lot around Southamerica and the rest of the world, just for a cOUple of years, before I start trying to make this world a little better. Maybe take some pictures for a magazine, or write some sTories, or record some films of what I see ... yes, the classical dream job for an anthropologist, but hey... I've always been a fan of the classics.

    Compare the following:
    - Don't care - generally quite negative, informal, and can be construed as impolite at times
    - I don't mind - quite polite way of expressing you have no preference.
    - It doesn't matter - can be used to dismiss a suggestion for example, or simply express that whichever option chosen is irrelevant.
    - Never mind - can be used dismissively or when the information is no longer needed. can also be used when you're frustrated etc.

    Anyway, it all depends on tone of voice/attitude/context!
