lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Election Day

Well... I'm not registered to vote, eaven though I've asked my self a lot of times if this is the right desition, I just can't legitimate such a corrupt sistem like the one we have. I mean, I like politics, I think it's important to get involved in what in going on with our country, but I don't think voting is the best (and eaven less the only) way to do this.

I've noticed that electoral campaings have become dirtier and dirtier over the years; politicians don't eaven care to hide their lack of moral and ethic values any more, and all the drama that we see in the campaings are clearly a lack of respect with the people that still believes in them, it's like they think we're stupid!! I don't know what qualities a president should have, but I am sure that it's not right that people that have allready done a bad job, or that have private intesest that could be beneficiated with the position, should run fot it.

When I was a child I had the idea of becoming a diplomatic, I liked the idea of traveling around the world meeting people, but a little later I realized that that job is a lot more than just talking and smiling, that you have to compromise a lot of your own to do it, so it didn't seemed a good idea after all. But now, I've thaught a lot about working in the State, and the idea of the Ministry of Work or MIDEPLAN seduce me a lot, I think those are places where an anthropologist could make a diference in hoy things are done in our contry and contribute to the lifes of people. I think in Chile the problems that need an immediate solution are the quality and the way public education is handled, social houses, work conditions, the distribution of welth and the quality of public health sistem.

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