lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Prostitution: "just another job"?

The author of the article "No trafficking? Well, there's a hell of a lot of women suffering" ( writes a very acid critique about what some british achademics have said about looking the situation of inmigrant sex workers with an "objective eye". Their supposed serious emphiric investigations concluded that prostitution, for some of the women that they interviewed is just another job, and actually one that is better that others that could provide them eaven worse life conditions in terms of salaries and working hours. According with the author, I believe that those achademics where very irresponsable at reducing a very serious international problem that ends with the lifes of thouthands of women and girls all over the world every year, to the specific conditions that a group women have had the luck to find in london. The fact of dividing sex workers between "trafficked and not-trafficked" seemed to them enough to ensure that for a great propotion of those women "the job" can be a good opportunity to have a better quality of life and to improve the lifes of their families at home; ignoring the -to my judge- most important fact that is that prostitution has one of the greatest risk to be attacked or eaven murdered between all of the activities that a person can do in the world.

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