lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

My Faculty Facilities

Currently, my faculty facilities are a lot better than they were when my generation entered to colledge. Today there are data proyectors in every class room, and there are two more computer labs so now is a lot eazier to find a free pc to wonk on. But, not everything is that great, we still have a very deficient library, we've always needed a study and reading room that is quiet and comfortable and eaven though last winter vacations a new "study room" was innagurated, when we saw it we realized that it was only our old casino, that they now keep open in the afternoons for students to go wonr there. Besides, our careers keep growing and geowing every year, and the class rooms are starting to be too short in number, some times if we need to plan an extra class or some other activity, all the class rooms are ocupated and that makes very difficult to have good iniciatives.
I thik the first steps to deal with this situation, and what I would do if it was in my power, it would be to potenciate colective spaces, where the students, the staff and the teachers could sit and read a book or work or whatever we all need. I would build more class rooms to make shure that if more classes are needed or other activities are being proyected, they have a place to develop.

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