lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

Ok, so... I've said other times that I would like work directly with people, maybe in comunity development proyects, if its urban, rural or in an other country I don't care. I would like to understand first how is that they live and see the world, how they organize them selfs, and how is that organization can give them new posibilities of improving their way and the conditions of their life. I would like very much to see that I'm making a direct contribution to people's life with the tools and abilities that where given to me, but by passig them to others to be used, not by canching things and expecting that they follow what I say just because I went to college. I also know that this kinds of jobs are hard to get, I mean... who would really pay for that? Actually, there are some ONG's that provide this kind of opportunities, and I would love to be concidered. For this, I would have to specilize in social networks and associative anthropology, and also in economic and polithic anthropolgy, and to do a lot of research in this matter before I can think to sart interfering in real ways in people's life.

But if we are dreaming away, I would love to have a job thar allows me to travel a lot around Southamerica and the rest of the world, just for a cupple of years, before I start trying to make this world a little better. Maybe take some pictures for a magazine, or write some sories, or record some films of what I see ... yes, the classical dream job for an anthropologist, but hey... I've always been a fan of the classics.

My favorite subject

Well, is kind of hard to think about this we are at the end of the term and all we want to do is just finish with every thing the best that we can and run far far away. But I think that the best subject I had this term, and I have to say that unlike others I had a lot of good curses, is Economic Anthropology. This is a social-cultural curse taught by Andres Aedo, and it has a lot of great readings like Marz, Polangy, Godelier and others that study how different cultures and societies deal with how to produce and reproduct them selfs whith the resources that they have and the economic relationships that they can mantein with others. This is great because you can understanda lot of our actual society and the way thar it's organized, just by studying how others do it, in a process that is called "un-naturalization" of the economic laws that we have being told are universal and necessary.
This is the first part of the curse, and the second is about exactly the contrary: we study all of the economic theories that ruled the occidental world from the beggining of XXth century until now, and thar really makes you understand how our country has being built and also how many of the laws and dessitions that people say are only economical are trully polithical and the other way around.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

The Future...

Ah, the future... I wonder if the teacher knows how annoying this kind of questions are, or maybe he's been talking to my mom and she told him to freak me out.
Let's see.... For the millionth time, I-DON'T-KNOW-WHERE-AM-I-GOING-TO-BE-IN-FIVE-YEARS!!!... And I like it that way.
But again, just so I don't mess up this post, I'm going to fall, only this time i'm actually making all of this stuff up, I warn you...
In five years I'm going to be out of college, maybe doing some kind of master degree in social anthropology. I have a good job, not a fancy one, but it pays decent and it's not absolutely horrible: I haven't sold out yet. It allows me to work directly with people, I'm doing some reseach and a lot of proyects of comunity development, so there I can keep some polithical work.
I live alone, I'm finaly totally independent. I rent a little apartment somewehere down town, but still hung out a lot in my sister's house, and when I'm not there I like to keep my apartment full with friends. I also travel a lot, I can save some money and dont' spend a lot, so every time I have in my hands I take off with one of my friends, and I'm doing some alone short trips too.
Well, thats all, I hope you enjoy.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

The best in my area

This time, the post is about someone I believe to be "the best in my area". I don't really know who could diserve such a title, a lot of names come to my mind and at the same time none of them can full up the standars. Beside, I've never been much of the "fan tipe", even less when we are talking about a discipline, a job that can have a real effect over people's life or the way we think about our world; I think that when we lift someone to a level that is above the heads of the real people that struggle throwgh their life and beside that try to make the world a little better, they stop putting their hart in what they are doing, and become too comfortable with their abilities, even if they are extraordinare.
Any way, I'm going to give a name, just so I don't mess up this post. But I what to be clear about the fact that I hardly think of whom I'm going to talk about as the GREATEST anthropologist, or anything like it, and that I have a lot of critics about his work, but besides them I think that José Bengoa, a chilean anthropologist, philosopher and history scholar, has done a good job showing what was behind the official speeches about our aborygen people and their relationship with our State, and has participated in proyects to try to give them back the rights, lands and freedom that was taken from them.