domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Surfing anthrpology

It's not easy to find a good internet site about social/cultural anthropology. There are some fine ones about anthropologists, and one every other blog that is fun to read without being absolutely crazy or simply a joke. But one of the pages I rescue is
This page is actualy chilean, and some of the profesors and old sutents of our university write there, like Daniel González and Daniel Quiroz. Even though the aproach of azapa is a little too ethnographic and descriptive for my taste, I recognise that it has some really good texts by chilean antropologists and it also has a little online library where you can find very interesting texts from foreigner writers (anthropologists theme selfs or not) that we can relate with our discipline and that there are not very known for the common student.
I can´t say that I visite it a lot, but once in a while (once every other month) I like to pay a visit to see what's new, some times I take very nice surprices.

My favourite piece of technology

So, this week is about my favourite piece of technology.
After thinking about it for a while I realised that it has to be my computer, it's a HP notebook and I've had it for three years. It was a gift from my mom and dad for the crhistmas of 2006; I was never "the technologycal tipe"... never cared much about the newest celphones, or mp3 players. Really, I only care for things to be functional and easy to manipulate, but the pc was necesary 'cause I was moving to Santiago and it would have been very awkward to bring my old, heavy computer from Antofagasta with me.
In general I use my pc in home, I have it in my room and work on it in my bed, but some times I take it to the university or to my friend's houses, 'cause is easyer to emprove the use of time if I have all the information with me. I can honestly say that life would be much harder if I didn't had it, because everything I just sayd and also 'cause I keep all my music, photos, some movies and college documents in it. That's the reason I like it so much too.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

Things I do while not-studyng

I can't say that this is the kind of activity that I enjoy doing on my free time, in fact,I kind of hate writing about me, my family, friends or the things I like or dislike where people I don't really know can see them... But being fear, this is not really my free time, this first post is homework and at this exact time I should be reading Habermas or working in my Ecionomyc Anthropology's paper, so I'm kind of thankfull for the distraction.

Anyways, the first post was suposed to be about my best friend, and there she is; in the photo. Her name is Pamela (I call her "negra") and lives in Antofagasta (where I'm from). We went to higschool toguether and we've been inseparable since then; we share a history charched with music, books, movies, laughs and tears (I don't really talk like this, but I'm running out of ideas... I said that I hate writing this things). Because I'm studyng away from home, I only see her on hollydays, but we try to make the most of the time we have; the photo is from last summer, on a beach called Punta Itata, where Pamela has a summer house.

I hope this was enough and wasn't really that borring and that I didn't complained too much,until next post.