lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

First Term

First term of 2009 was a very dynamic time, it was the first semester of my "real career" (the last two years had been a common cycle), so all of my classes where interesting and challenging for the first time (well, not actually all of them, but most, and that's a lot to say). We went on field work to Arica, for our Culturas Andinas course, to a little town named Codpa in the highlands. That was a great experience, 'cause we where alone there and we had to be able to get to know the people, get them to trust us and to help us with the information we needed to write our papers. An other course that I really liked was Economic Anthropology I, where I lernt some of the practical aplications of my discipline, and how it could be usefull for the lifes of the people I would be working with and not just for my self or the "scientific comunity".

On the other hand, I was elected academic delegate for my career. That was something that I didn't expect and also that I hadn't planed in terms of schedule, so everything got really tight and fast. Most of the weeks I arrived to the University at 8:30 AM and leave it at 8:00 or 9:00 PM, between classes and meetings.

Last semester was very demanding in terms of the number of courses I took and also of the activities I had to do. I finished it very very tired, but happy because I learned a lot of things, I worked in topics I liked a lot, and also participated in processes that are important for the future of my career.

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